Edrychwn ymlaen i’ch croesawy i Noson o Siopa Hwyr yng Ngwaith Llechi Inigo Jones ar yr 22ed o Dachwedd ac y 6ed o Ragfyr rhwn 5yh ac 8yh.

Yn ystod y nosweithiau hwyr bydd Caffi Gerlan hefyd yn cynnig Ffest Cig Moch lleol, gan Siop Fferm Gerlan.
Yr amser perffaith i archebu cigoedd at wledda’r Nadolig.

Fel diolch i’n cwsmeriaid ffyddlon, cynnigiwn i chi 10% i ffwrdd o’ch pryniant yn ein siop* yn ystod y nosweithiau siopa hwyr.

Os nad oes posib i chi alw draw gyda’r hwyr, bydd cyfle arall i chi fwynhau y cynnig 10% i ffwrdd o’ch pryniant yn y siop*, gan alw heibio rhwng 9yb a 5yh ar Ddydd Sadwrn Busnes Bach, y 1af o Ragfyr.

*Yn anffodus ni all Gwaith Llechi Inigo Jones gynnig gostyngiad pris ar gynnyrch a wnaed i archeb.

We look forward to welcoming you all to an evening of Late-Night Shopping at Inigo Jones Slate Works on the 22nd of November and 6th of December between 5pm and 8pm.

On both dates, Caffi Gerlan will also be offering a Crackling Hog Roast during the evening, locally sourced by Siop Fferm Gerlan. Why not place an order for your Christmas meat at the same time!?

As a thank you to our loyal customers we will be offering a 10% discount on purchases made in our showroom during the evening*

If it’s not convenient for you to visit during the evening, there will be another opportunity for you to enjoy the 10% discount* all day on Small Business Saturday, 9am – 5pm, on the 1st of December.

* Inigo Jones Slate Works regret that they cannot offer a discount on any items that are made to order.

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